Embark on a journey with Cohiba cigars, the epitome of luxury and craftsmanship in the cigar world. Cohiba, synonymous with exquisite quality and unparalleled prestige, offers an extraordinary smoking experience that is both rich and rewarding. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, each Cohiba cigar is a masterpiece of complexity and flavour, designed to delight the senses of the most discerning smokers.
From the smooth and refined to the bold and intense, Cohiba's range showcases the art of cigar making at its finest. Discover the illustrious world of Cohiba at Surrey Cigars, where elegance and excellence converge in every smoke.
Cohiba Wide Short Cigar
From £7
Cohiba Piramides Extra
From £165
Cohiba Siglo VI
From £125
Cohiba Siglo IV
From £70
Cohiba Siglo II
From £48
Cohiba Robusto
From £90
Cohiba Medio Siglo
From £70