Joya Silver Robusto Cigar - Crafted to Perfection:
Unveiled in 2018 as part of Joya de Nicaragua's 50th Anniversary celebrations, the Joya Silver Robusto is the fourth offering in the Joya series. This remarkable cigar delivers a punchy yet balanced smoking experience, making it an excellent choice for enthusiasts seeking an exhilarating journey.
The Joya Silver Experience:
Joya Silver represents the evolution of the Joya line, showcasing a modern twist with added intensity. Crafted with precision, this Robusto-sized cigar features an Ecuadorian wrapper, a Mexican San Andres binder, and Nicaraguan fillers. The result is a dynamic complexity of flavours that tantalize the senses.
Tasting Notes:
You'll experience a captivating interplay of fresh spice, chocolate, and cherry notes from the first puff. The burn and draw are excellent, ensuring a pleasurable smoking experience from start to finish. As you delve further into the cigar, the profile gently evolves, revealing its full-bodied character. Pair this remarkable cigar with whisky, brandy, or rum for an exquisite combination of flavours.
Experience Joya Silver at Surrey Cigars:
At Surrey Cigars in Guildford, Surrey, we invite you to discover the joy of Joya Silver Robusto Cigar. Immerse yourself in the world of Nicaraguan cigars and indulge in the remarkable craftsmanship and exceptional flavours crafted by Joya de Nicaragua. Whether you visit our retail establishment or explore our online store, we offer a wide selection of premium cigars, ensuring a memorable experience for cigar enthusiasts.